Tuesday, April 15, 2014

20:20 Print Exchange at The Art House in Wakefield

The show is on at Fell House, Queen Street, Wakefield as part of The Art House’s extended exhibitions and events over Summer and runs until 16th May.


The 20:20 is showing now at The Art House in Wakefield and Hot Bed Press are really pleased to show you their video of the work going up and the private view including live screenprinting. It’s a great video bringing it all to life thanks to 2 students from Leeds University; Zoe East and Kate Green, and of course all the volunteers and staff at The Art House.

Watch the video here.

… and the tour continues: all the prints will then wend their way to Hereford to be shown at The Print Shed from 23rd May to 28th June and then, (just confirmed), carries on to Hope House Prints in Leeds in July/August and The Bluecoat in Liverpool in October. More on these dates to come.

In the meantime enjoy the video and feel free to pass it on.


Monday, April 14, 2014

20:20 Print Exchange

At the end of last year I took part in the 20:20 Print Exchange. An exhibition of the Exchange prints is now touring the UK around print workshops and galleries; more to be announced soon.

20:20 Print Exchange started in 2009 as a project between Hot Bed Press in Salford and Red Hot Press in Southampton, (we decided against calling it The Heat Exchange). We liked the format so much we quickly decided to roll this out to more print workshops. In 2010 there were 120 artists from 10 print workshops involved and in 2011 there were 257 artists, 2012 there were 392 artists, last year there were 40 workshops participating and 585 artists. 

Fruitful Findings- My print for the 2013 20:20 Print Exchange
Every artist is asked to produce a new edition of 25 prints on paper size 20cm x 20cm, (paper size). 
In return each artist receives a box set of 20 randomly selected prints, (including their own print and 19 others).

Prints could be any print medium and numbered 1 to 25 of 25 prints.

Each workshop also receives one set of randomly selected prints and one ‘twinned’ set whereby workshops are randomly matched to another print workshop, each receiving a set of 10 of their own members’ prints and one set of your ‘twinning partner workshop’.

It’s always an exciting time of year when you can see the whole range of prints from across the UK and Ireland. The grand sort covered the whole of one side of the workshop for days on end.
The launch of  the exchange was at Hot Bed Press  on 29th November 2013 when 50 artists from Hot Bed Press were given their boxes of prints. 

One print from every participant is kept by Hot Bed Press to exhibit/tour nationally.The exchange is available for any print workshop or venue interested and is free of charge.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Exhibition at Greenwhich Printmakers

At the beginning of the year I joined Greenwich Printmakers. Greenwich Printmakers is an independent cooperative of artist-printmkaers. We run our own Gallery in Greenwich Mraket. As we all play a part in running both the Gallery and the organisation, most of the membership come from in or around London. The Gallery has regularly changing exhibitions of work by all GPA members. Our current Spring Exhbition is up and running until the 5 May 2014. Come down and check it out!

There are browsers full of unframed prints by GPA artists, and our website, makes it possible for buyers to purchase online. All of the prints shown by Greenwich Printmakers are original prints conceived and created by the artist according to their interests and inspirations. 

GPA is a vibrant and diverse group of artists who demonstrate the versatility of contemporary printmaking. The techniques available to modern artists in the field of print are wider than they have ever been. Greenwich Printmakers work in both traditional and cutting-edge methods, from etching and engraving - methods that date back to the dawn of printmaking - to screenprinting and lithography using digital photography as a source of imagery. The door is always open to explore new and innovative themes and ideas as well as respecting what has gone before. There is something about the scale and immediacy of the printed graphic image to which people respond. Only printmaking offers this diversity affordably in such a direct and compelling way.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Gallery for Russian Arts and Design

GRAD came to visit londprintstudio last week, where we gave a demontstration on stone lithography.
Check it out!


Image design by lps intern Hector Collins.


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